I once heard an intoxicated philosopher say the most beautiful advice he spoke as angels, and moved like squid, and later in the night silent in the corner without a friend he spoke, ‘I take dancing very seriously” and then spoke no more. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In my mind I picture the box office and the will-call, out on some Scottish shore. There’s a shudder, the good kind, in your shoulders when the wind blows over them and into your future. Your tense muscles refuse to dance but will be shown how, like it or not, when the great hoofer takes your hand, you the apprentice, and releases your tears as ashes in storm. I hear you will fly and swing, and not just observe what he abstractly calls stillness
When I get email saying there's a new Henriksen post, I drop everything and I read it. Simple as that.
Skynyrd loves a simple man