I once heard an intoxicated philosopher recite the most beautiful advice he talked as lisped angels, and moved like squid, and late in the night he spilled out in the corner, and he spoke ‘I take dancing very seriously” and then spoke no more. ... I enjoyed the quiet. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In my mind I picture the box office and the will-call, out on some Scottish shore. There’s a shudder, the good kind, in your shoulders when the wind blows over them and into your future. Your tense muscles refuse to dance but will be shown how, like it or not, when the great hoofer takes your hand, you the apprentice, and releases your tears as ashes in storm. I hear you will fly and swing, and not just observe what he abstractly calls stillness There is first the learning, and before that the observing, and before that the being observed. There is then the losing, and then the being lost, and then the finding. In lament, I cannot speak from experience, but rumours say that the finding is the last waltz: The waltz where you shall offer your final forget-me-not to the lover you barely remember, dolorous and miserable as can be. Yet, like the magi’s pas de deux she will return you yours, and you are both more homeless than before - but life is in death, and a duet is en-passioned, passed out on the floor. This is the dance we find. It is not être de raison, but raison d'être, it is all we can do with our time. You might be temped to start when that tremolo thunder calls the curtain aside but it is the tall grains which pulse notes to its neighbor, the mountain - that is, the rhythm - which you are to follow if anything means anything. So, above all, wait. Not for me. Not for the audience. We have made our ghostly deal. We have gone before our time, we have whimpered in the wind, and followed Oedipean feet and guides, if you can believe it, less mobile than concrete But for you it is not too late to wait and see
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